Monday, June 18, 2018

Fathers Day and the Heat of 2018

Yesterday was Father's Day.  I would not be the person I am today without the amazing and wise father who raised me.  He was smart, caring, concerned, loving, generous and insightful. My siblings and I were lucky to have him and we still miss him every day.  That being said, I married a man very much like him and I spent the day helping his children and grandchildren honor him.  He's a big fan of desserts and in this picture you can see his two granddaughters and I making "gourmet" cupcakes for him. With the temps so high on Sunday, it was a good excuse to stay in and pass up some canvassing time.
Today is another story.  Going to be as hot or even hotter than yesterday.  But there are too many doors knock and voters to talk to, I'm going to go out.  Hope that I can catch some voters home today before it gets too hot. When you don't have a gigantic campaign fund, the one on one encounters at the door are the one certain way of making a difference and getting people to know you.

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